Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin
Matmonim means "hidden treasures." In less than 20 minutes each episode highlights, develops and explains one actionable insight from the Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle. People around the world, from uninitiated seeker to seasoned scholar, are finding inspiration, meaning, and relevance in the wisdom that the Matmonim exposes from every page of Talmud. Matmonim will give you skills to deepen your own learning to get greater satisfaction from the effort you are investing. The podcast is given as a live class each morning at the Raanana Kollel in Israel and focuses on the Daf of the day.
941 episodes
Sanhedrin 27b Unconscious Bias - אוהב ושונא
Bias may not distort the facts for someone who is very self-aware. However, even such a person will be unable to escape the influence of bias when forming opinions and judgements.
Sanhedrin 25a Repairing Broken Trust - ההוא טבחא
Words are cheap – but so are actions for a conman who has already broken our trust before. How then can the conman ever regain the trust of his community?
Sanhedrin 24b Retirement – Is it Permitted - משחק בקוביא
Earning a living without contributing to society is certainly problematic. But how about simply enjoying a leisurely life without working or making a contribution?
Sanhedrin 23a Judges and Advocates - יצא הדין אמת לאמיתו
Truth exists in two dimensions: There is a Truth in an absolute sense – meaning it is aligned with Hashem’s will and with the Torah. There is also a need for Truth to be experienced as such by the people it affects. How can this occur in a lega...
Sanhedrin 22a Behind Closed Doors - דוד ואבישג השונמית
What really happened behind closed doors between King David and Avishag Hashunamit? From which we learn the power of self-mastery and its capacity to generate Kedusha.
Sanhedrin 21a-b Proximity and Intimacy – יחוד
The exclusion of others from a private space creates greater intimacy among those who are included. This very intimacy, when experienced between men and women who may not be married to one another, is at the core of the prohibition of Yichu...
Sanhedrin 18a Responsibility and Accountability - קשוט עצמך
Only those who themselves are accountable, have the moral authority to hold others accountable.Source Sheet
Sanhedrin 17a Hearing Nuance - ויודעים בשבעים לשון
To truly understand nuance, the knowledge of language is essential.Source Sheet
Sanhedrin 16a How Jews Mitigate Risk - יועצין באחיתופל, ונמלכין בסנהדרין, ושואלין באורים ותומים
In addition to conventional risk mitigation strategies, Jews factor in the righteousness of their cause, the power of their prayer and the direction of Hashem where it is accessible.
Sanhedrin 15a-b When a Torah Law Seems Absurd - שור הנסקל בכ"ג
The laws of the Torah are much more than behavioral or societal laws. They are cosmic laws to which nature aligns. Their behavioral impact on us as Law is a consequence of these cosmic laws.
Sanhedrin 14a Leadership is Responsible for Bad Culture - אפילו נמצא בעליל לעיר
Individuals are accountable for their choices and actions. However, leaders are accountable for cultures that spawn bad actions.
Sanhedrin 11a Interconnectedness - אני הוא שעליתי בלא רשות: ערבות
We influence one another not only by our actions but also by our moods, thoughts and inner stature.Source Sheet
Sanhedrin 9b-10a Family First - אדם קרוב אצל עצמו
In criminal matters the Torah doesn’t allow people to snitch on their relatives, doing so undermines the primacy of family
Sanhedrin 9a Contamination, Infection and Inspiration – אוי לרשע אוי לשכנו
Just as we can be contaminated by the negative energy of those we associate with, so can we be inspired and uplifted by their positive energy.
Sanhedrin 8b Memory is Different from Knowledge - חבר אין צריך התראה
There is a qualitative different between knowing something from memory and knowing it in the present either through experience or through conversation (which is also experience).
Sanhedrin 6b Truth and Harmony - כל הבוצע הרי זה חוטא
Diplomacy need not come at the expense of truth. Rather diplomacy should be the coating of truth to help make it palatable, but never to dilute it.
Sanhedrin 4a Words with Many Meanings - יש אם למסורת
Words, especially in the Torah, can have multiple meanings – sometimes even contradictory. How do we manage them?
Sanhedrin 3a Enable Commerce and Deter Malice - לנעול דלת בפני עושי עולה
What is the role of the legal system now that we do not have semicha? Is it just to settle disputes or is it also to deter malice?
Sanhedrin 2 Not Just a Legal System - פתיחה למסכת סנהדרין
We would have created a legal system even without the Torah’s instructions. The system in the Torah is much more than a bureaucratic legal system. It is a channel of Hashem’s presence into our communities. It judges rather than punishes.
Bava Batra 168 - 176 Critical Thinking in Halacha – אע"פ שקילס ר' ישמעאל את בן ננס
There are two different disciplines in the study of Talmud: Critical thinking and halachik decision-making.Source She...
Bava Batra 160b Power Without Character is Toxic - גט מקושר עבדי רבנן תקנתא
Anger one of the worst character traits we are advised to avoid entirely, it has no place in our lives. Yet in our Gemara we find chazal legislating to protect people from their own impulsiveness in moments of anger. Why would we accom...
Bava Batra 155 - 156a Innocence – חנוך לנער על פי דרכו
Intellectual sophistication can contaminate innocence. There is a small window of opportunity to implant innocence into the intellectual process.